5 Step Guide

Read & Understand the Bible

The Bible

5-Step Guide

Read & understand the Bible in a deeper way
Step 1

Choose A Translation

Pick a translation of the Bible that you understand.
Recommendatios: English Standard Version (ESV), New Living Translation (NLT), New International Version (NIV)
Step 2

Time, Place, & Plan

Create a routine for studying your Bible on a consistent basis
Are you a morning person or night owl? Do you like quiet places or bustling coffee shops? Do you learn by watching, listening, or reading? Do you sometimes read paper and other times digital? - Life.Church
Step 3

It's all about Context

There's always more to the story - discover the depth of the scriptures.
Think like a detective and discover the story behind the story.The Bible is a collection of 66 different books, written in three languages, across three continents, over a 1,500-year period by 40 different authors. - Life.Church
Step 4

Read Slowly & Ask Questions

Take your time and when you have questions use your GroupMe or class nights to ask questions.
There’s no need to rush. Take your time and get curious.After studying the context, what questions do you still have? Use your questions as tools to help you dig deeper through prayer, study, and conversations with friends. - Life.Church
Step 5

Pray & Apply

Take what you've read and pray over it but don't stop there apply it!
The Bible is meant to transform us, not just inform us. The more we apply what we learn from God’s Word, the more we become like Jesus. Ask God what He wants you to learn about Him and yourself. - Life.Church